Saturday, June 22, 2013

Labour Law

The law is a collection of rules  binding on specifics person enforce by the machinery of the state. Simply a set of rules to regulate behavior of people in a given society at a given time is called the legal system of that society.
Hobbes define law is as obligatory rule of conduct common to citizen of a country. Salmond define law as the body of principles recognized & applied by the state in the administration of justice.
Law can be divided into various branches.The most popular division is Criminal & Civil law.
The distention  between a Criminal & a Civil Law  is not found in the nature of the act but it is in the legal consequences.
The purpose of Civil Law is to claim damages & compensation by the injured party.Civil action may be commenced by any person who expect damages for the loss he suffered.
Example for Civil Law is Contract, employment agreement,Agency Law

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Peformance Management

What is Performance

"Performance can be defined as the outcome of the work.Because they provide the strongest linkage to strategic goals of the organization.Customers satisfaction and economic contribution"
(Bernadin Kane, Ross, John 1995)
"Performance is a manifest behavior, performance is about HOW things are done as well as WHAT is done"

Factors affecting Performance

Performance is a function of  Knowledge,Skills,Abilities,Attitudes and Values

  • Personal Factors     -  The individual's skills,competencies,motivation and commitment
  • Leadership Factors -  Quality of encouragement,guidance and support provided by the supervisor
  • System Factors       -  System of work and facilities provided by the organization
  • Contextual factors   -  Internal and external an environment pressures and change.

What is Performance Management ?

A System that deals with controls to influence outcomes of the employee's job performance. 

"The personnel activity by which the enterprise determines the extent to which the employee is performing the jog effectively. "
(Glueck, 1979)

Legal Aspects Of HRM

Types of employment

Types of employment have significant consequences in law since it is used as a tool in determining the obligation owed by the employers towards their employees.In Sri Lanka following types of employment are largely speaking of.

  01.Permanent Employees   
 Permanent employees is confirmed in the company and is eligible for all benefits specified.The organization is obliged to give him work on a continuous basis.Event if no work is provided, the organization has to make regular payments.

02. Probationers
 A Probationers is an employee who enters into a contract of employment with the employer.The sole purpose of having a probationary period is to ascertain and evaluate the capability and capacity of the employee.Most often contract itself contains a provision for the extension of the probationary period.

An Apprentice cannot be considre as a workman or an employee.Thus there is no contract of service between an employer and employee.An Apprentice is merely acquring the knowledge of he/she is interested in and an employer merely undertakes to train him.
However some ststutes including industrial Dispute Act,EPF Act and Termination of employment Act, have brought in an Apprentice withing the definition of a workman.

04.Fixed Term Contract
Employee under a fixed term Contract is a person who is employed by the employer for a specified period of time and at the end of the said period contract is considered to be expired.

05.Casual Employees
A casual Employee is a person who is engaged in a particular job.In other words casual employees are engaged in work only when is available and cannot demand work from the employers.

06.Temporary Employees
A temporary employee is an employee taken to fulfill a temporary need.
Ex : A vacancy temporarily crated by a permanent employee going on maternity leave, overseas.

07.Seasonal Employments
A Person is engaged in a seasonal employment only for a particular season.Further not obliged in low to reemploy such worker.

Laws relating to employees

  • shop & office employees Act No of 1954
  • Wages board ordinance No 27 of 1941
  • Employees provident fund Act No 15 of 1958
  • Employee trust fund Act no of 1980
  • The payment of gratuity Act No 32 of 1983
  • Maternity Benefit  Ordinance No 19 of 1939
  • Workmen Compensation ordinance No 19 of 1934
  • Factorial ordinance No 45 of 1942
  • Industries dispute Act
  • Trade union Ordinance


Monday, June 3, 2013

Introduction to Management

Management is the act of coordinating the efforts of  people to accomplish desires goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively.Management comprises Planning, Organizing, Leading , Controlling an Organization.

Definitions of Management

 "The art of getting things done through others."

"Knowing exactly what you want to do,then seen that they do it in the best cheapest way."

"Management is a social Process the process consists of planning, control, coordination and motivation."

"Management is an Operational Process , the Process consist of planning, controlling, coordination and

Why Management is needed?

  • To achieve organizational goals and objectives with efficiency and effectiveness.
  • To obtain the maximum usage of resources.
  • To respond the environmental changes.
  • To ensure the survival of the organization. 

 Management Functions

  1. Planing
  2. Organizing
  3. Leading
  4. Controlling